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  • Writer's pictureJared Delbo

How Does Solar Energy Work in the Climate of the Philippines?

Updated: May 18, 2023

how does solar energy work in Philippines

A country blessed with abundant sunlight due to its tropical climate, solar energy works by making the most of this sunlight. Yet, the Philippines' climate isn't just sunshine and clear skies. It also has its share of typhoons and monsoons. That is why construction service experts are crucial if you want to install solar systems. Learn More about this article on how solar enery work in the harsh weather conditions of Philippines.

How Efficient is Solar Energy in the Philippines?

Simply because this tropical gem is a treasure trove for solar power generation. Nestled comfortably near the equator, the Philippines revels in about five hours of peak sunlight daily. That's an incredible amount of solar energy just waiting to be tapped!

However, maximizing solar energy isn't as simple as scattering a bunch of solar panels around. This is where our associates in construction services come into the picture. They are the experts who ensure that the solar power potential of a location is fully realized.

Our construction services colleagues consider a myriad of factors, such as the perfect placement for maximum sunlight exposure, and assessing the structural integrity of buildings for panel installation - here's where the principles of civil engineering come into play. They also manage the critical task of grid connection and system monitoring, a space where telecommunication technology comes to the fore.

How Does Solar Energy Work?

Solar energy is the process of harnessing energy from the sun and converting it into electricity. This transformation generally happens with the help of solar panels. These panels are equipped with solar cells that absorb sunlight, and, through a process known as the photovoltaic effect, convert it into electrical power.

The magic happens when photons in sunlight knock electrons into a higher state of energy, creating electricity. It's somewhat akin to photosynthesis, but instead of fueling plants, we're powering our businesses and homes.

The solar cells in the panels are made up of semiconducting materials like silicon. When light hits the cell, a portion of it is absorbed within the semiconductor material. This means that the energy of the absorbed light is transferred to the semiconductor.

The energy knocks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely. Solar cells also have one or more electric fields that force electrons freed by light absorption to flow in a specific direction. This flow of electrons is a current, and by placing metal contacts on the top and bottom of the solar cell, we can draw that current off for external use, say, to power a home.

What will Solar Energy do with Businesses Across Philippines?

You might be curious, "What does this have to do with my business?" Here's the exciting part. Solar energy holds the potential to revolutionize how we conduct business. Consider telecommunications, for instance. Solar energy can offer a sustainable power source for telecommunication towers, especially in remote areas.

Yet, we must remember that the Philippines' climate isn't just sunshine and clear skies. It also has its share of typhoons and monsoons. This is another area where the expertise of our construction services associates is crucial. They ensure that the installed solar systems can withstand these harsh weather conditions, providing a steady supply of power, come rain or shine.

Teragon Corporation: Collaborating for Sustainable Energy Source

By collaborating with construction services such as Teragon Corporation that specialize in solar energy projects, we can ensure our business operations are powered by a reliable, sustainable energy source. Additionally, we contribute to the country's renewable energy goals. It's a win-win scenario.

In the context of the Philippines, a country blessed with abundant sunlight due to its tropical climate, solar energy works by making the most of this sunlight. Solar panels can absorb the substantial solar radiation, particularly during the country's dry season.

Moreover, construction services are crucial to ensuring that these solar panels are installed in optimal locations to maximize sunlight exposure.

Understanding and adapting to the unique climate of the Philippines is therefore essential in effectively harnessing solar energy in this part of the world.

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